Title: Effects of the News Finds Me Perception on Algorithmic News Attitudes and Social Media Political Homophily
Journal: Journal of Communication
Gil de Zúñiga, H., Cheng, Z., & González-González, P. (2022). Effects of the news finds me perception on algorithmic news attitudes and social media political homophily. Journal of Communication, 72(5), 578–591.
Title: Pathways to Political Persuasion: Linking Online, Social Media, and Fake News With Political Attitude Change Through Political Discussion
Journal: American Behavioral Scientist
Gil de Zúñiga, H., González-González, P., & Goyanes, M. (2022). Pathways to political persuasion: Linking online, social media, and fake news with political attitude change through political discussion. American Behavioral Scientist, 000276422211182.
Title: Media skepticism and reactions to political scandals: An analysis of the Trump–Ukraine case
Journal: International Political Science Review
Marcos-Marne, H., González-González, P., & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2022). Media skepticism and reactions to political scandals: An analysis of the trump–Ukraine case. International Political Science Review, 019251212110730.
Title: The Informational Consequences of Populism: Social Media News Use and “News Finds Me” Perception
Journal: Politics and Governance
González-González, P., Marcos-Marné, H., Llamazares, I., & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2022). The informational consequences of populism: Social Media News use and “news finds me” perception. Politics and Governance, 10(1), 197–209.
Title: Elecciones y representación municipal en Castilla y León (1979-2019)
Journal: Revista de Estudios Políticos
Olucha-Sánchez, F., González González, P., & García Velázquez, Á. (2022). Elecciones y representación municipal en Castilla y León (1979-2019). Revista De Estudios Políticos, 195, 219–243.
> Dataset: González González, P., Olucha-Sánchez, F. y García Velázquez, Á. (2021), "Representación y candidaturas municipales en Castilla y León (ReCanCyL)",, Harvard Dataverse.